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struggling? it can feel different.   it really can.

Whether you're new to therapy or seeking a different approach, my guess is you're here for help. From high-tech professionals to college students, doctors to waiters, I've helped people like you for over 20+ years confront those inner demons. Together, we navigate the complexities of trauma, anxiety, depression or whatever mental health challenge that leads to feeling lost, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the world. I'll help you not as a friend (although it sure feels like it sometimes) but as someone that works hard to create a safe space for vulnerability and healing to unfold.  

If you'd like: book a free, 15 minute time to see if there is a fit for me to help you by calling: 424-341-2216








 I'm not afraid of what's there.  You don't have to be either. We've all hidden behind those in some way, shape or form.  

How did we get there?  Why do we stay stuck in patterns like these?  That's where a trauma informed therapist can help.  


      I'm here with so many tools...


I understand the frustration of seeking quick fixes to struggles and hope you'll agree that they just don't stick.  I know

that we are conditioned to tell the world we are "fine, how are you" as we walk around, only to leave the same conversation

eating blueberry ice cream out of the box, avoiding texts, with hearts pounding or night sweats, to name a few.





There are  the masks of what we wear when we're out in the

 world and then the masks of what goes on behind them.  

Are you ready to take that mask off in order to change? 

Since 1996, and with a laundry list of credentials and training that you read more by clicking the link below, maybe it's a sign you're reading this, our paths are crossing, and I'm meant to help you.  Deeply influenced by Bessel van Der Kolk, author of "The Body Keeps the Score", my training with him along with a three year, post graduate study of Integrative Body Psychotherapy means I pay attention to the stories our bodies hold, offering a holistic approach to healing that goes beyond just talking.  Here are some other added trainings that I've found helpful when working with my clients to help them heal their stories: -Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy ( - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adult ADHD -Exposure Therapy for Anxiety - Suicide Risk and Assessment - Understanding Emotional Dysregulation -Harm Reduction Psychotherapy for Adult Substance Abuse -Trauma Informed Care -LGBTQ Mental Health -AntiRacism -Perinatal Mental Health essentials -Mindulness, Love and Loving-Kindness in Clinical Practice -Mindfulness and Relationally - Marital Therapy Research by John Gottman and Level 1 training. -Working with Anorexia nervosa Oral Manifestations of Eating Disorders -Developmental Psychopathology of Eating Disorders -Post Traumatic Stress Disorder -A General Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis, M.D. -Parenting from the Inside Out" -Daniel Siegel, M.D. -Retire Smart, Retire Happy - Nancy Schlossberg, Ed.D -Spirituality and Psychotherapy -

© 2024 by Lisa Pedersen.


10 people some in foreground some in background on a sunny day wanting to heal_edited_edit
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