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awe, and should i dance with her?


Should I “dance” with her?  She had that big brain of science explaining things like the concept of AWE and how and why it occurs when my own fluid wave of colorful yum didn’t think this activity needed explanation at all. IMHO it just is and it just was.

She is offering a perspective.  A construct.  A story.  And my job is to maybe ask clarifying questions or the old, “listen to understand”.  That way two stories can coexist at the same time.  Intuition and Science begin to take flight. I take her hand and she takes mine. We stand real close and the rest is magic.

Opposites do attract.  But how long do they stay together, much like our ideas and my dance with her?  Or, do we walk around on the earth saying, “We agree to disagree”.   Because life is so much better with that cherry on top of wonder and reflection.  And maybe, just maybe, we’re not that opposite after all.

In fact, maybe her experience of AWE is just like mine.

The answer to "should I dance with her'?


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© 2024 by Lisa Pedersen.

10 people some in foreground some in background on a sunny day wanting to heal_edited_edit
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